
James Hummell

James Hummell

James Hummell

  Expert Trainer

James Hummell is an expert trainer for SysML, UML, and UPDM/UAF, currently working as chief consultant for MBSE Solutions, a tool gnostic (as opposed to tool agnostic) training and consulting company. He is an expert in software and systems engineering, specializing in modeling and simulation analysis using UML and SysML.

Mr. Hummell has extensive experience in embedded systems for safety critical systems (Do178b Level A), configuration management (CM), the software development life cycle (SDLC), and process engineering development. He has been developing software and systems in model-based design engineering (UML and SysML) for over 20 years.

He is a member of the RTCA SC-205 subgroup developing Do-178C model-based development and verification supplement, and has worked with the Object Management Group (OMG) and the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) on many specifications and working groups.




MBSE Complete Eco-System Explained

MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering) encompasses the complete tool suite used by a systems engineer. Many have the misconception that SysML is MBSE, rather than SysML being used during the MBSE process. This presentation will show the complete eco-system of tools that need to work together to make up a successful MBSE organization. I will describe the differences between Linking and Syncing of data, the pitfalls, and the problems. I will demonstrate how all the different tool suites supporting the MBSE and MBE (Model-Based Engineering) initiatives are working together, and how this is becoming the digital thread.
