Steve Jones

Steve Jones


President, Jaap-Orr Company Cincinnati, Ohio. Jaap-Orr is a technology development marketing firm. A. The company projects have included successful development and implementation of a strategic plan to obtain awards for the production of JSF defensive suite. B. Work with private equity firms to restructure sales and marketing plans in preparation for sale. Three firms successfully sold within two years. C. Developed on-line only bank (no bricks and mortar). Reached bank’s 3 year targets in nine months.

Partner in Green Energy Enterprises LLC., Newport, Ky. The firm is the global licensee of a clean waste-to-energy pyrolysis system. Systems are in development in Mexico and two locations in the US.

Prior to purchasing Jaap-Orr, Steve was Vice President of Sales for Emerson Power Transmission. Responsibilities included the US, Canada, Latin America and European sales.

Steve was SPEAKER at Cincinnati, InfraGard –Architectural Room Shielding for Protection Against Institutional EMI and Electronic Eavesdropping. 2017 SPEAKER-U.S./China/Brazil Forum on Sustainable Infrastructure and Urbanization; Washington D.C. 2015 Steve is a member of InfraGard Cincinnati Members Alliance.

Steve has published two articles for Armor and Mobility Magazine. One on Infrared Systems and one titled New Directions in Armor. He has also published an article for Community Bankers Association of Ohio Magazine titled Technology Changes in the Banking Industry.

Steve was a bank Board Member and bank advisory Board Member for 13 years. The last 8 years for US Bank.




Closing the Gap on Asymmetric Critical Infrastructure Threats!

Our vital assets, systems, networks and IP are under siege by State and corporate bad actors. The DHS has identified 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors per Presidential Directive 21: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. The Directive advances a national policy to strengthen and maintain secure, functioning, and resilient critical infrastructure. The Critical Sectors are Energy, Water, Food and Agriculture, Communications, Government Facilities,IT, Chemical, Emergency Services, Financial, Healthcare, Defense, Nuclear, Dams, Transportation, Commercial and Critical Manufacturing. New stealth threats keep evolving: fake cell towers, agents with listening devises in coffee shops, drive by listening, offshore listening and options to coordinate multiple locations to establish control of the grid and critical life supporting services. Important data includes control mechanisms, financial data, IP, research data, cloud rooms, healthcare and government data. Cyber and eavesdropping programs may be just as effective as conventional warfare at a small percentage of the cost. This enables a greater number of actors to develop their threat skills. There will be a short discussion of the Critical Sectors:what should we protect. Options to harden the security will be discussed. This will include metallic paint, double walls, steel walls,Faraday cages and metalized fabric.


October 23, 2018
Track 2, Session C – Closing Gap on Asymmetric CI Threats
Room #20
2:30pm  -  4:00pm
October 23, 2018
Joint Panel Roundtable Discussion: Terrestrial Session Chair Summary
Grand Ballroom
4:15pm  -  4:55pm